One day I was inspired to go to the gym.
I went to the car that is my closet because I believed I would find my tennis shoes there.
They weren't there.
I was pretty dissappointed. But it didn't last very long because any excuse to shop is always a good deterrent to sadness.
Anyways, I got myself to the mall sometime over the last two weeks and I picked up these.
They are incredibly light weight. And they were the first ones I saw at nordstrom that didn't look too wonky. I didn't put too much effort into bargain hunting because the boy was with me and boys bitch and moan whenever they aren't playing video games or something. -__-
Well its been two or so weeks since I've bought these and I still haven't worn them. I'm probably going to return them. They are too expensive and I won't get my money's worth considering the inspiration to work out is dwindling.
rite aid hauly haul:

I read about this somewhere and I decided to try it. Physicians formula was having a buy one get one half off sale (not THAT great, but whatever.) I've been meaning to buy a face loose powder and I'm convinced the Coastal Scents Silica Powder breaks me out. I've used the Illuminating Veil about three times now and it works pretty well. It makes my face glowy and it hasn't broken me out!
Plus it's cheaper than traditional high end brand powders. :)

I bought this for 2 bucks ish... Since its also 2 in 1, its an even beetter deal!
It's now a part of my everyday make up routine. I like the cream colored concealer a lot. I also like the green because of the redness neutralization. But it is so liquidy that it can't be very concentrated into a certain spot. Like, I have some red spots/scars and I just want to cover those spots, but even a tiny dot of the green concealer can cover my entire cheek. So I use the green sparingly and I really think it works to neutralize the red. I saw a more solid/cream package of this concealer I think I will try if I catch it on sale sometime (pictured below).

Overall, I am really liking these two products. I've been using them frequently, if not everyday. They haven't caused any break outs so far (knock on wood) and they are not extremely expensive. I will try to do a more detailed post about the illuminating veil sometime in the near future...