It is around 3:40 in the morning and although I am tired, I cannot fall asleep because the boy ripped a few big ones in our room while I was brushing my teeth. -___- Thanks.
I decided to kill time by blogging while I let ventilation take its course.
Since Tambooty made a fabulous list of all the recent purchases she made, I decided to share a few of mine.
I had some free time before grabbing lunch today, so I decided to wander the aisles of Walgreens. I love Walgreens because no matter which Walgreens you walk into, it always feels like home because they all are exactly the same. Wherever you are.
I am almost out of my daily facial scrub. The Neutrogena Deep Clean Gentle Scrub. I love this stuff. But I decided to venture out to a different brand.
This usually runs for about 6-7 dollars, depending on where you buy. Walgreens will get you at 7-8. Target will get you at arouned 5-6 dollars. Money has been pretty much non existent so I decided to look for something cheap, yet effective. (Money is so non existent that 8 bucks is too much for a scrub. -__-)

This stuff was 3 bucks and it had that nice Allure Magazine "stamp" of approval... I was sold. I decided to give this a try. I'll let you know how it works out.
I bought this for the boy because he was complaining of a burning itchy scalp. :/ Hopefully this will help. It has coal tar in it. Cool huh?

I bought some snap on hair rollers from I haven't received them in the mail yet so I have yet to try them. I've seen ricebunny or pursebuzz use these to help set their curls. It seemed effective and a good way to section out your curls. They were really cheap at 2 something a package.

After searching for tea tree oil products (after amy reccommended using it for cystic acne), I stumbled acrossed a benzoyl peroxide gel containing tea tree oil from DDF (a brand I had never heard of until this discovery). I went on make up alley to research and I found that they had pretty good reviews on their products. I was tempted to just purchase their scrub and b.p./tea tree oil scrub but I didn't want to spend money on a full tube. So I found that sephora carried this sampler kit. Perfect. I got this for 35 dollars. (I know, I know... I bought 3 dollar face wash because I am broke, yet I spend 35 for this "tackle box". Its because I bought this tackle box that I had to skimp out on face wash. Blahblah ok bye) I guess its a fair deal to really try out their products before shelling out 30 dollars for a full sized tube or something you dont' know will work for you skin. Anyway, I've been using this for about 3 days and it doesn't seem to be effective at all. My skin is actually worse everyday, but I don't think it is because of these products. My body has been adjusting to all these new hormones (birth control pill) I am taking. Sucks ass. I feel like this has been an ongoing problem for about 4 months now and its so ridiculous. But I am going to tough this out.
My thoughts are not fluid and as articulate as I want them to be. I really am just rambling for the sake of blogging. I am exhausted. Maybe I will edit this tomorrow. I have a lot more bitching to do about my skin.
That's it for now.